1 Kate Upton (below) anywhere in any outfit is this Jerk Off's weakness. She is so angelic, it's almost not fair for her to have perfect boobs, a perfect butt, and a perfect face. The only issue I have with her is her choice for a boyfriend, Justin Verlander.

2 The girl from "Eurotrip" in the hot tub scene. This Jerk Off doesn't know her name, only that i fell in instant lust with her.
Oh, my fellow Jerk Off says her name is Molly Shade (below). So Molly if you're single, I'd love to hot tub with you.
3 Katie Holmes (below) is topless in the movie 'The Gift. Trust me I was as shocked by them as I am even typing this. This is little tom boy Joey Potter! But by God she womaned out and they are amazing. The thing about her boobs is yes they are small, but they are full and perky! Suddenly “The Gift” seems an appropriate title.

4. Sofia Vergara (below) - I almost left her off my list as her voice and acting makes me mental. But if you watch her on mute, you as well as this Jerk Off will be in boob heaven!
5. Halle Berry (below) - Wow, what to say? I would say no one can disagree with these fun bags on this list. She oozes sexuality and her giant boobs are hypnotizing. Hey Halle, once you go Jerk Off, you never go back.!